Aspiring Writer In Me!

Identity (updated 8/27/21)

Today make the intentional decision to not let the media, others, or insecurity determine your destiny.  Inside you is your original DNA that only you carry.  One of the greatest detours to moving forward with our dreams is when we look for the affirmation from others instead of from God.

It’s often in the deepest places of our heart we hold true to the whispers from our loving Father.

It’s in that secret place – the space that’s just God & you, that you find the peace and confidence that assure you of your identity.

So let today be the day you decide that you’ll not grow bitter, you’ll not be rejected, discouraged or shrink back but you’ll strengthen the dreams and God calling inside of you.




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Aspiring Writer In Me!

A Mother’s Heart

I carried you for about nine and a half months. 

When you were born,  I would rock you to sleep all the time. I would sing to you and tell you how special you were. I prayed for God to help me be a good mom to you. I nursed you, bathed you, took you to your check ups, taught you to talk, walk, and eat solid food. You learned about your eyes, your ears, your mouth, your tongue, your knees, your fingers, your hands, your cheeks, your hair, and your lips. As you grew, I taught you your colors, your numbers, simple math, and animals. Later, you learned to play ball, swim, ride your bike, and even dress yourself. 

Kindergarten was hardest as I watched you walk into your classroom and I left you there. I missed my little sidekick. I watched as you developed strong social skills. And the journey continued. Elementary school was full of physical growth and academic growth. There were nights I’d wake up to clean you and your bed up as you threw up. There were many sleepless nights, worrying if you were ok when you got sick. 

Then came Junior High. That glorious age when hormones hit. I  wondered “where did my sweet child go?”. Brain fog, moodiness, tears, back talk… Oh my. But seeing you become “you” was priceless. High School quickly followed and it went by like a jet plane. There were so many joys of watching you as you played sports, or performed in an orchestra, or sang in choir. Your achievements, whether in art or in academics, amazed me. Teaching you to drive made me proud but I think I lost about ten years of my life! 

 Then school days were over. You were college bound, exploring life, more independent, and discovering your passions. But during these years I think my heart broke 1,000 times. You see, I saw you get hurt, I saw you make some bad choices, I saw you frozen and passionless at times confused about what you wanted to do. I lay awake crying and praying – hoping you were safe as you moved away. I had to let go. How could I let go of the tiny human I carried so carefully? How could I accept that I couldn’t protect you all the time? 

No one ever tells you the other side of motherhood. You can never be prepared for the long nights and the gradual letting go.  But then I realized, you were not just my child but I was trusted by God to raise you. You were His child. Trusting God and releasing you to Him brought peace knowing He is always for you and watching over you. 

I’m still in it and forever will be. Watching more from a distance but carrying you close in my heart. I see you become “you” more and more everyday. One day you too will have a child. On that day, you will see. The greatest blessing that could ever be is that tiny human that you now hold close to you.

And so the circle begins – again. 

(Photo of me with my oldest son, and pregnant with my second son while walking on the beach) 671323B2-398F-487B-8A1C-94AD1490532F

Aspiring Writer In Me!

Be true to your original design

Comparison kills the divine design of who we are intended to be. We all face it. It’s everywhere around us from media, to education, to measures of success. If we say we do not face it, we are only kidding ourselves. But.. we can daily remind ourselves of the One who had us in mind even before we were born – learn to love, embrace & accept ourselves – our self perceived flaws and all. Because God doesn’t make mistakes or haphazard creations. #divinelymade #intentionallydesigned #beyou #weneedyou #weneedvariety #weneedeachother


Jeremiah 1:5

“Before I formed you in the womb I knew you,

before you were born I set you apart;

I appointed you as a prophet to the nations. ”

Aspiring Writer In Me!

I am not a judge

It is unfair for me to think that I know what is best for others. It is unfair for me to look at you and size you up and think I’ve got you figured out. It is unfair for me to demand that you give up on your passions and callings because I don’t believe in them. It is unfair for me to put you in a box and label you just because “I think” of you a certain way or you remind me of something or someone else. It is unfair for me to act as a judge.

I am not in your shoes, nor are you in mine. We have walked different roads even if we have similar destinations. The greatest mistake you or I can make is assuming that we are the same. When we expect others to be exactly like us we actually imprison them and limit what they could be. We rob ourselves too from a deeper understanding of humanity.

May my eyes see with openess. May I allow others  to thrive at being themselves. May my soul grow deeper and my opinion grow lesser. May I love more and judge none.

Aspiring Writer In Me!

Reduce Me

The older I get the more I come to an awakening that the greatest achievement I can make in life has to do with the legacy I leave. If my name is never known, so be it.. Really!! I don’t care about my fame! But the joy is in seeing those that I have invested in. May they soar. May they do way more than I could imagine. Jesus said something like this – when He said to his disciples “greater works will you do” {John 14:12}.  That’s a true leaders heart.

Enjoy life

You never stop growing 

It’s funny how the older you get the more you realize how much you do not know! I sort of love that aspect of “maturing”. 

I remember when I was some years younger always feeling like I had to prove my point, be validated… Be right! 

Now I can smile at times when someone else has the need to be right. It’s okay. Let them. 

Life is full of lessons and I found that we really never stop growing, learning, unlearning, developing, and evolving. That’s the way it’s meant to be. To stay stuck in cycles of what we know or how we’ve always done it can short change us from the depth of a full life. 

So listen, smile, and don’t take yourself too seriously. I promise you life is better that way! 

Aspiring Writer In Me!

Homeward Bound

This was you a few months ago. This was your little bed in your little room at your care home. It was one month ago today that you left this earth and went to your forever home in eternity. I hope you’re playing your piano and singing songs you make up. I hope you are dancing on your new 100% restored legs. I hope you’re holding all the little ones that left this earth too early. I even hope you are playing some Mexican Train with your mom. But I know that you’re loving being with your greatest love, Jesus. Our loss is for sure Heaven’s gain.

I miss you mama. ❤️

xoxo forever.